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Investors in People Standard achieved


Baxi Commercial Division is proud to have been successful recently, at the first attempt, in achieving the National Investors in People standard. The standard is at the heart of the Investors in People scheme, the aim of which is to help commercial organisations to become more effective by developing and harnessing the skills of their people to achieve the organisation's goals. It builds up a complete picture of how a business is managing one of its most important assets, the people who work within the organisation, and identifies where improvements can be made.

Paul Hardy, Managing Director is delighted with the accomplishment but is determined that this organisation will not now simply rest on its laurels. Paul emphasised, "All meaningful standards need to be maintained and as part of the process we were given valuable feedback by the scheme's Assessor on development opportunities across three key areas of the business. Therefore we shall be continuing to work on these to ensure that the Investors in People standard is adhered to and improved upon."

Like all participants, Baxi Commercial Division had to meet all 39 of the evidence requirements in order to be recognised as an Investor in People and to be able to display the laurel logo and plaque.

H&V News - 22nd June Issue
Investors in People
Baxi Commercial Division Succeed in Achieving the Investors in People Standard

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